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Couples Therapy

Relationship Therapy

Looking for a couples therapist in SE Portland to facilitate growth and healing in your marriage, relationships, and love life?


Couples Counseling or Couples Therapy can help with:


- Feeling Secure

- Feeling heard and "gotten"


- Setting healthier boundaries

- Finding balance and harmony

- Speaking more clearly, Listening more intently

- Becoming experts at one another's world, knowing when and how to be your partner's support and receive their help

- Better managing outisde influence (i.e. in laws)

- Healing from affairs

- Deciding if you want to stay together

- Alligning in parenting

- Having a more satisfying sex life

-Making BIG life choices with consideration for self and relationship

- Thriving at different life cycle stages


There is no one-way to do relationships, though we often carry with us unspoken rules and legacies that may or may not fit who we are with our loved one(s). Sex, money, emotional labor, and parenting, are just a few places where we might get complacent, avoidant, conflictual, leading to resentment and rigidity.


Working on your relationship is a lifetime investment that can have monumental impact.


As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I bring compassion, creativity, humor and depth to couples counseling, holding space for couples to feel seen and heard. This can make space for change to arise with acceptance and commitment.


Areas of specific interest and expertise include:


 Multicultural Counseling (polyglots, multicultural, transnational, mixed-status partners)

Sex Therapy (open relationship, sex and sexuality, LGBTQIPA+)

Parenting (via adoption, foster care, step parenting, and biological children)

Get in Touch


Depending on availability (currently FULL) I offer a free 20min Telehealth Consultation


Within Between 

4531 SE Belmont St 

Portland, OR 97215

call (971) 361 9247

fax (971) 369 9441

Thanks for submitting! I will be in touch with you within 48 business hours, I will send you a link to schedule your Free Consult or offer referrals if I am corrently Full or otherwise determin that I may not be a good fit for what you are looking for. Stay on the the journey!

Hours and Locations

Mon - Fri

9am-3pm, Thursdays till 5:30pm

I offer BOTH in person and Telehealth

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